
A Zombie Novella

Welcome to my blog for Turning, the novella! This is the spot to find news on the eBook, added snippets, and any future plans for the story and its world. If you've read it, I hope you enjoyed it, and thanks. :) If you're new to the story, check it out below.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Refresh, refresh, refresh...

Turning is up on Amazon!
What a ride it has been. Pardon the pun, but publishing my zombie ebook has been a process of massive transformation. A couple of years ago, I wrote a story. Now I've created a book. They're not to be confused. The lessons I've learned, especially from working with my editor, Sirra Girl, have given me great insight and inspiration to never stop trying to become a better writer.

I guess it's an odd thing to post about on the release of a new book. I should be satisfied. I should mentally relax, like I promised myself. I should have one of those days when someone asks you to do something and your response is, "I can't - the cat's on my lap."

But I'm hungry for more. My book is UP, I keep telling myself. But I just want to get writing again! New characters have appeared, already talking to each other in my head. New scenes from this dystopian world are popping to the surface. I'm trying to hold them under for just a bit longer. If not for my own sanity, for my partner's.

I thought writing was meant to be relaxed, even...cushy at times. I've come to respect that writing can involve a gruelling mental load. I kinda miss those jobs where you shut down your computer, and that really means you shut down.

Bahhh. Who am I kidding. :)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

On the edge of the unknown...

Well, it's Easter Saturday, around 9.00pm. I've been plodding away on my blog's design for a few hours, most of which involved obsessively hue-shifting text colours from forest green to olive green, and back again. I should mention here that I'm an obsessive hue-shifter, and yes, there's a support group for people with this addiction. ;)
I'm on the brink of uploading my first eBook, Turning, to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the Apple Store. It might be tomorrow, or it might be next week, but it's in the ether. I have bags under my eyes and burnt retinas from solid, white monitor glare. There's tree lines of coffee cups edging the dump that is my desk.
After all the work involved - writing, revising, beta reading, and working with an editor - it does feel strange to be at this point. I still have to finish formatting my eBook, and this requires getting my head around html. But it's almost there!

So...thanks for dropping by! And welcome to the official Turning blog. :D